Nov 14, 2007

OTP (3), Days 5-6 -- More Happiness from Home

Here are some more great images from home. Again, captions are courtesy of Daddy, artist-in-residence. Notice that in all three pics, Miranda is wearing her favorite new clothes, a set of fleecy pig pajamas. She loves them and carries them around, saying 'My pig! My pig! I wear my pig!'

'My right foot, a prodigy's story'
(No offense to Christy Brown)

'Bump, bump, bump on you Lego bottom'
(This is a song we sing as we descend the stairs the 'safe' way, bumping down on our bottoms. Apparently, she's done an artistic interpretation with Legos, her new fave toy.)

(Actually, I have no idea what this caption means. But the pic is great.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria, she is absolutely darling! How much has she grown since August? Must see her soon! Love Mom